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Home Filtered cigarette tubesCigarette filtered tubes DESPERADO 200 LONG 20 mm

Cigarette filtered tubes DESPERADO 200 LONG 20 mm

Price: 2.10лв.
  • Code:
    Cigarette filtered tubes DESPERADO 200 LONG 20 mm
  • Weight:
    0.300 Kgs

Cigarette filtered tubes DESPERADO 200 LONG 20 mm

Cigarette filtered tubes DESPERADO 200 LONG 20 mm
Cigarette filtered tubes DESPERADO 200 LONG 20 mm




Cigarette filtered tubes DESPERADO 200 long - 20 mm long filter length, cigarette lenght 84 mm, white cigarette paper, cork tipping paper with two gold lines, 200 cigarette tubes in box.


The long filter helps to:

1. better filtering of tobacco

2. use less tobacco when filling a cigarette, therefeore saving money

3. greater stability and strenght of the hollow cigarette when filled

Made by M Tobacco. Cigarette cases are manufactured with special cigarette paper, which gives the cigarette density for easier filling. One box contains 200 cigarette cases.


Save tobacco and experience a milder more refined taste Meeting the highest quality standarts of the terms of paper and filter.